Dampak Masuknya Imigran Timur Tengah terhadap Keamanan Manusia Domestik dan Respon Kebijakan Amerika Serikat Era Donald Trump

  • Lucitania Rizky Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta
  • Heru Siswoyo Kurniawan Bin Supriyadi Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta


The U.S anxiety about Middle Eastern immigrants became one of the main concerns of foreign policy in the Trump era. By using human security and foreign policy concepts as the analysis tools, this study aims at describing US foreign policy in Trump’s era as the response to the influx of Middle Eastern immigrants waves that threaten U.S domestic personal security. The policy issued by Trump’s era was inspirable from the Islamophobia perspective that resulted in contradictive foreign policy with previous government’s era. This study adopts a descriptive-qualitative approach with secondary data collection techniques. This study found some strategies foreign policy from Trump’s era as agendas to improve and maintain U.S domestic security. Those are Border Security and Interior Enforcement and executive order Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign National” through travel ban.


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Keywords: Middle Eastern Immigrant, Trumps’s Era, The US Foreign Policy, Human Security.


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