Teknologi Papan Keseimbangan Untuk Latihan Pengendalian Stabilitas Postural Tubuh Anak

  • Arya Gilang Permana UNIVERSITAS ISLAM 45
  • Putra Wisnu Agung Sucipto
  • Seta Samsiana


On  children , develop  and  repair  condition  motor  is  method  best  for  realize  balance postural. The method  is  with  give  a number of  exercise which support  strengthening  performance  muscle  and  coordination  system  sensory which complex . exercise  this  working  for  trigger   movement  psychomotor which emphasize  on  response  physical  in the form of  movement  body . To  can  support  exercise  balance  body  child , make it  a  technology which adopt  principles  in  game  child which used  in  stimulate  movement  psychomotor  for  control postural body . development  technology  done  with  method  make  a number of  equipment , that is  equipment  technology  game virtual and  board  balance  electronic . From results  design  technology  the  succeed  created  a  technology  board  balance  for  exercise  control  stability postural body  child , which consist  from  board  balance  electronic  and  a  game virtual as well as  a data banking system capable  keep  history  training . Based on  results  testing , tool  this  capable  detect  four  direction  motion  tilt  that is  motion  tilt  forward , to the right , to the left  and  to the back . However  tool  this  no  can  detect  two  direction  tilt  by  together .



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Keywords: Balance postural, Technology , exercise , Psychomotor , Child
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