Verbal Violance: The Phenomenon Among School Age

Fenomena Kekerasan Verbal Terhadap Anak Usia Sekolah

  • ainil fitri universitas abdurrab
  • Pelangi Lestari


Background: A time when children are often selfish, show stubbornness, do not want to follow the rules  set by parents  , rebel which    is the case It is  done by   children to gain freedom and satisfy their curiosity, this period  is called the   period of school-age  children. Conditions like this  often make parents  feel that their children are difficult to  manage so that parents tend to  force children  to follow what    parents want so that  they don't Aware of parents committing verbal  abuse on their children.  Poor mental development, disrupted social  relationships with peers  and adults, aggressive behavior, often feel lonely  , and make children   experience Emotional distress  is some of the  impacts often experienced by children who are victims of  verbal abuse. Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the phenomenon or incidence of verbal abuse in school-age children. Methodology: This study uses a type of quantitative research with a descriptive research design. This research was conducted at SD "X" Kampar Kiri District. The population in this study is 53 children attending SD "X" in 2022. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires of 20 questions. The collected data were then analyzed univariately. Results: The results of the study found that children who experienced verbal violence as much as 58.49%, and did not experience verbal violence as much as 41.50%. Suggestion: The suggestion from this study is to hold educational activities about verbal violence against children to parents and students of the school in order to reduce the incidence of verbal violence against children.



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Keywords: Verbal Abuse, School Age Children
How to Cite
fitri, ainil, & Lestari, P. (2024). Verbal Violance: The Phenomenon Among School Age. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Abdurrab, 1(4), 53-59. Retrieved from
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