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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitted manuscripts must be in the format of Ms. Word 2007 up to a minimum of 10 sheets and a maximum of 15 sheets including bibliography
  • Willing to follow the writing rules that exist in the templates that have been provided can be downloaded on the Information menu, For Authors
  • Written field of science is, the field of computer science that is contained in the focus and scope that exists in RABIT rules
  • Files uploaded must be timely in accordance with the announcement that has been issued by the editor of RABIT
  • Make Administration Payments if the author requests several requests, payment fees will be informed via the author's Email
  • Understand the rules set by the editor of the RABIT journal about canceling articles in the RABIT journal
  • The article to be uploaded is not being rated and considered by other journals, and this article is free from plagiarism

Author Guidelines

This writing rule uses the format of writing two-column newspaper columns for content, while for the location of the Title to abstract sections using one column, the MS file. WORD can be downloaded below


Every writer who will submit the article manuscript to the RABIT Journal (Journal of Technology and Information Systems) must read the writing guidelines first and ensure that the manuscript submitted is in accordance with the RABIT writing format. Manuscripts submitted can be in the form of original research articles or literature studies.

The manuscript must be in accordance with focus and scope which includes:

  • Programming
  • Networking
  • Multimedia
  • Animation
  • Video editing
  • Graphic design
  • Artificial Intelligence / Expert System
  • Data Mining
  • RPL
  • Database


Shipping Method

  1. The author first registers on the OJS RABIT website, http://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/user/register?source=%22, after that submit articles on the submission menu.
  2. The manuscript is made with Ms Word in one file in accordance with the template that has been
  3. The author can be more than one person. Correspondence writers must ensure that
  4. Submitted manuscripts have been approved by all authors.
  5. The main author's name is written first.
  6. Correspondent writers do not have to be the main authors, but correspondent authors are responsible for the submission process and communicating with the editing team. 

Script Format

  1. The script is neatly typed in the Times New Roman font (the rules are in the template).
  2. A4 paper type. With the format of 2-column newspapers except the abstract section (rules there are templates
  3. The language used is standard Indonesian in accordance with EYD and KBBI for content while B. English - Indonesian for Abstract.
  4. Citation uses the IEEE format.
  5. The table is presented, as follows:

Images are presented with low resolution but are still clear and legible, for example like the picture below:

Main Script

The title page includes:

Indonesian Title, Short Title, Author's Name, Statement of origin of the author's institution, Address of institution, Author's Email Address


Abstracts are made in one paragraph without separating the division of content. The abstract must include background, objectives, methodology, results and conclusions. The abstract does not exceed 200 words and is made in two languages. The abstract ends with a maximum of five keywords from the script.


The introduction should explain the background, objectives, summary of the literature study that has been done, explain why the proposed topic is important to be published, and the contribution of the text to the community.

Literature Review

The literature review section should cover previous studies or similar studies then compare with the current research and also add an explanation obtained from the references used:


The method part must include, Research Framework, Requirement analysis, System design


Serve the results with logical flow in the form of text, tables, graphics or images. Don't repeat data that has been presented in a table or graph in the text. Emphasize important results. Discuss important aspects of the study conducted, including the implications of the findings for technology science in general. Do not repeat data or statements that have been presented in the background or results section. The discussion also includes the limitations or weaknesses of the study and its implications for further research.


This section clearly states the conclusions of the study. Concluding paragraph.


For writing a Bibliography, it is required to use the Reference Manager (library application / bibliography) such as EndNote, Mendeley, Reference Manager, and others. With IEEE format. Complete provisions along with examples of literature according to RABIT journal standards can be seen in the template


Manuscripts that have been received by the editorial team will go through the initial review, especially the initial review includes the writing format. Manuscripts that do not follow the writing format will be returned to the correspondent author

Manuscripts that have passed the initial review process will be forwarded to the reviewer appointed by the editorial team. An assessment will be given by the reviewer whether the manuscript is suitable for publication in RABIT or not.

Manuscripts that are suitable for publication will be asked for a statement of copyright transfer and a non-plagiarism statement.


The writing format of the literature study script follows the format of writing the research article script. There are differences in the methodology section that emphasizes the ways and process of literature study used. Includes literature selection criteria (inclusion and exclusion) databases used as sources of literature and others. The literature used is at least 10 journal references and 2 book references with a span of the last 5 years for journals and the last 10 years for books.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

However, due to the advancement and availability of hacking and data mining techniques found over the Internet, RABIT will not be able to guarantee that other parties will not mine our users' email addresses in any possible ways found over the Internet.