Sistem Informasi Geografis Indikasi Tindak Kriminal Di Kecamatan Ujungbatu Rokan Hulu

  • Sukri sukri Universitas Abdurrab
  • Rahmat Tisnawan Universitas Abdurrab
  • Marsal Marsal Universitas Abdurrab


Crimes in many areas occur with different models and forms of events, this makes it difficult to determine areas that are significant unlike reference to the level of vulnerability to crime. Information system about follow-up needs to be obtained in real time by the public and law enforcement. Society in general, criminal information is very useful to find vulnerable points in travel and anticipatory actions, especially for the police. The level of anger as making a decision about the area of ​​extra or unnecessary supervision needs to be done. For that, information is needed to map the crime that occurred in Ujungbatu District based on web using Google Maps. The resulting application outputs are graphic maps of crime information that occurred, which are grouped by kelurahan in Ujungbatu District. This is expected to help the community and facilitate the Ujungbatu District Police in analyzing crime rates


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Keywords: Criminality, GIS, Mapping, Ujungbatu


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How to Cite
S. sukri, R. Tisnawan, and M. Marsal, “Sistem Informasi Geografis Indikasi Tindak Kriminal Di Kecamatan Ujungbatu Rokan Hulu”, rabit, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 117-129, Jul. 2020.
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